Monday, April 26, 2010

An Introduction to the Straight Stair Lift Chair

Two principal stair lifts exist for individuals to utilize. These two types are the lifts for straight and curved stairs. Employed in homes with staircases which bend and curve around to the top floor, these curved lifts are popular. Used in homes with no curve in the stairs, the straight stair lift chair is utilized. Such lifts are constructed to move up and down the staircase in a straight line, ensuring that they are the simplest to operate and to buy. More individuals require the features of a straight stair life than the curved one as they are less expensive and simpler to buy. This turns out to be the case as they do not have to be specially built.

For those readers who simply can not afford the expense of a brand new device, you will be pleased to learn that stairlifts' prices are significantly lower for used models. Simply measure the width and length of the staircase to determine if one which meets the requirements is available. In this way, they have the ability to remove and transport their straight stair lift with them if they move.

The tiny amount of overhang which most of them feature proves to be among the only problems which a few individuals have where these versions of stair lifts are concerned. Typically at the bottom or the top of the stair, an inch of overhang exists. Yet, if you properly measure your staircase, then this will not turn into an issue.

To sidestep this difficulty, you must furthermore ensure that the maker puts in the straight stair lift for you. After coming to your home, they ought to be capable of installing it to your stairs and demonstrating to you the way that it operates. They will be happy to demonstrate how to operate the lift down and up the stairs, where all of the controls are, and which safety measures you need to ensure that you follow.

The Wheel Chair Lift - A Way To Independence

Wheel chairs have become a lifeline for anyone who is mobility impaired. Losing or never even having had the ability to walk is difficult, and if you've never experienced it, you will have a hard time understanding just how hard it can be. Humans are made to be bipeds, and losing the ability to loss is equivalent to losing your freedom. It is not uncommon for handicapped individuals to become depressed because of their circumstances. Wheels chairs help change that by allowing people the freedom to move, but getting up and down stairs is still a problem. Horizontal movements are now easy, but vertical movements remain a challenge. This challenge is easily solved with the advent of the wheel chair lift, making it possible for those confined to a chair to move up and down with relative ease.

With these lifts, you are no longer confined to your room and you can travel anywhere that you wish, as long as you can use a wheel chair. The most common type of these lifts is a stair lift. These lifts are installed on stairs in your house so that your wheel chair will be transported automatically up the staircase. Thus, you can travel up and you can get back down easily. In addition, these lifts have special safety features so that you will not be in any danger whatsoever. There will be straps and other features to stabilize you and keep you from falling. The only disadvantage of this type of lift is the fact that it is stationery and once it is installed, it is difficult to move it to another location.

The second type of a lift for people in wheel chairs is the ramp lift. These are usually used in shopping malls and public places to help people who use wheel chairs to move horizontally or vertically on any ramps. Thus, it is a very practical method to get around, especially in public buildings. These lifts help impaired people move about easily in any direction in the building with their wheel chairs.

The third type of lift that can be used by wheel chairs is the vehicle lift. These are generally installed in vehicles like vans or public buses to help people with wheel chairs enter or exit the vehicles. This way, a person in a wheel chair is not confined to home, but can go anywhere that they please. It is also installed in special ambulances to help transport handicapped people for treatment.

Overall, a wheel chair lift is very useful device that make life easier for handicapped people. They are able to gain their independence and live in relative freedom and dignity. They can be used in their homes or in public buildings and public transportation vehicles. There are also portable models that can be carried anywhere that they are needed. And as manufactures have discovered the need there are more and more models to choose from. Finding the right lift for you needs is easier than you might think.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Wheelchair Stair Lifts - Providing Independence And Freedom

Imagine the frustration of living in a home for many years, but suddenly having to move because you can no longer get up and down the stairs. A wheelchair stair lift can be a great benefit someone who is disabled, because they provide access and mobility to places that would normally be inaccessible. In addition, they are far less expensive and require much less modification to existing structures than can other types of accessibility modifications such as an elevator.

The stair lifts are easy to install and are the least expensive of any of the accessibility options for multilevel residences. Because they use the existing structure of the stair, the cost is much less than it is for other options that require extensive remodeling. In addition, they can go on just about any existing staircase.

If you install a stair lift, you should expect to pay between $2500 and $4000 for a "straight" stair lift, meaning one that fits a straight staircase without any curves in it. If the existing staircase is curved, the price will be more expensive commensurate to the curve of the staircase, and will cost anywhere between $5,000 and $20,000. This is because installation is much more complex. In addition, you will not know the final price until your staircase is actually inspected on-site by the supplier, who will then give you a quote.

Stair lifts come with four types of drives. Most use a rack and pinion system.

Another type, the cable drive system, uses a strong steel cable to operate. Oftentimes, aircraft cable is used. This type of drive system has its disadvantages in that the ride itself is not as smooth as it can be with other types. However, as technology improves, this type of drive will give a smoother ride. Two types of stair lifts that use this kind of drive are Ameriglide and Summit.

For heavy-duty models, chain drive systems can be used. However, they can be loud and are generally not used for residential setups.

Finally, the screw drive uses a lifting mechanism that has a screw-driven actuator. This gets its power from a rechargeable battery. However, this is not generally used in residential models, either.

Most residential stair systems use a rack and pinion drive system. Rack and pinion systems have a gear and teeth. At one time they required that you regularly clean and replace the gear oil. However, today's systems generally don't require any maintenance whatsoever.

Rail or track systems utilize the staircase itself and not the wall. A track can be fitted to either side of the stairs so that this is what the chair itself travels along.

Earlier systems used AC power. However, today's systems use DC 12-volt rechargeable batteries. These are generally preferable because you don't need a trailing cable as you do with AC-powered stair lifts. In addition, those using rechargeable batteries can also operate during power outages. In some states, a qualified technician must install these, so make sure you know what your state requires before you attempt installation yourself.

All stair lift designs offer a choice between a 90-degree swivel seat or a 180-degree swivel seat, and you can choose either depending on your needs. And many these days come with integrated circuit boards that "self-diagnose" problems, which can therefore cut down on your maintenance costs.

Certainly technology has improved to the point where you no longer have to consider selling you home just because you can't get around as easily as you used to.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Benefits of Having a Lift For Scooters and Wheel Chairs

Scooters and wheelchairs are a great deal of help for those who struggle physically. They've been such a necessity for thousands of individuals as they offer mobility and independence. Scooters and wheel chairs have taken innovation to the next level-from manual to automatic functions. However, individuals were still having some difficulty. Although scooters and wheelchairs gave users the freedom to travel from one place to another, it was still hard to get into vehicles, over steps and through doorways without anyone else's help. Thankfully, a lift for scooter and wheel chair as been developed to make life much easier.

A lift for scooters and wheelchairs solves the problem of lifting. No longer will you have to worry about how you're going to get on public transport or be concerned for those who'd have to lift you into the car everyday.

The scooters and wheelchair lift can be quite costly. However, investing in a lift for scooter and wheel chair could be a one-time deal and lifetime benefit. This article will show you the technicalities and advantages of scooter and wheel chair lifts.

The good thing about the lifts is that they allow the users to lower or lift themselves into vehicles, cars, and up a flight of stairs. You're able to do these things by just pressing a button. For example, almost every door entrance has a tiny step that can be difficult for scooter and wheelchair users to cross. What scooter and wheelchair lifts do is elevate the vehicle until it is level with whatever needs to be crossed over. As you can see, the lift for scooter and wheel chair can save you from a lot of distress.

Lifts come in several types. You have a wide range of options for your specific needs. There are lifts that function for virtually every type of chair, whether it is manual or electric.

You can choose between an electric or a hydraulic lift. An electric lift functions by use of electricity. The only requirement is that you have electrical power for it to work. The advantage of electric lifts is that it is very affordable, and you can also purchase batteries for them just in case. A hydraulic lift may be a more expensive option, but you won't need any electrical power for it to work. It is one of the top quality lifts in the market and would be a superb lifetime convenience.

Not only that. Now, there are several lifts sold in the market that are weather resistant and compact so that they can be easily stored in the home or vehicle.

Disabilities could now be something of the past. Anyone should be able to travel whenever desired. And with the invention of the lift for scooter and wheel chair, you or your loved ones can now have better mobility as well as an enhanced quality of life.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Why Rent a Stair lift Instead of New One?

In certain circumstances it may be more appropriate to rent a stair lift rather than to buy new or reconditioned stair lift. Stair lift rentals are essential for every person doesn't have sufficient cash to buy. Stair lift rental is not for lifetime application.

There are specific situation were the stair lift rentals would be appropriate:

1. Someone in the family, relative or love one are suffered from mild injury like broken legs, that will take a few month to recover or healed.

2. If sometimes, sadly the case, you physically ill and like to be able to spend a few months in your own house rather than going out and have some relaxation.

3. Every body can't afford to buy for a new wheel chair stair lift.

4. Good option if you will only need the lift for less than three months application.

However, rental stair lift is only available for straight staircases and for curved staircases due to the cost of a curved stair lift track is too much expensive.

There are many companies even on the Internet that offers great discounts if you plan to rent a lift for one or two-year package. The cost might be lower compared to only 6 months subscription.

Whenever you decide to rent stair lifts, keep in mind that renting is just temporary. Sure you can always rent, but if you plan to invest on a stair lift for lifetime or longer use more than five years or so, then it is time to purchase a new one even though the cost is much higher. You will lessen the headache of monthly payments, etc

What Wheel Chair is Right for Me?


The wheel chair you pick out, should ultimately be based upon several things:

· How long you're going to be in a wheel chair.

· Your health and physical well-being.

· How often you must travel.

· Cost.

Generally speaking, if you are in decent enough condition to be able to propel yourself around in a wheel chair and you expect that being in a wheel chair will be a temporary thing, then buying a manual wheel chair might be the right way to go. Compared to electric wheel chairs, manual wheel chairs are cheaper and usually lighter.

On the other hand, if you are confined to a wheel chair or will be for a very long time, then an electric wheel chair may be the perfect route for you. Think about this: If you have little upper body strength and your body is not "able" enough, trying to self-propel yourself around in a manual wheel chair will make life miserable. Why exhaust yourself trying to get around if your body is not up for it? That's what makes electric wheelchairs a good option.

Now there are other factors to take into consideration when choosing a wheel chair that's right for you. They are:

Seat Size: This is absolutely critical to your quality of life when choosing a wheel chair. You ideally want to have the wheel chair user sit on a measuring tape to inches to allow for heavy clothing such as winter coats. Also, if possible, have the wheel chair user sit upright in the chair, then measure from the back of the seat to about two inches behind their knees. You're doing this because you want to be sure the seat is long enough to provide proper leg support without rubbing or irritating the back of their lower legs.

Keep in mind, that for a person 5'4" and taller, the standard 19" to 21" seat height will work well for them, unless they're using a wheel chair seat cushion.

If the wheel chair user is 5'4" and shorter, then the hemi seat height of 17" to 18" seat height will usually be ideal for them.

And for the person who's 4'11" and shorter, the super hemi seat height of 14" to 16" is usually what you'll want.

Then there's the footrest of the wheel chair to take into consideration. It's important to know that the more the wheel chair footrest sticks out, the harder it is to maneuver the wheel chair. And some footrests are better quality than others. It's inevitable that a wheel chair user will bump into objects and when that happens the footrest will usually be the part that takes the most punishment. Here are two types of footrests to choose from:

Standard Footrest: If the wheel chair user doesn't need their legs elevated, but need the footrest to swing out of the way to get in and out of the wheel chair then you might want what's called the "Swing-Away Footrest." Keep in mind these footrests do not have calf pads to support the leg.

Elevating Legrest: If the wheel chair user has issues with their legs such as swelling then then this type of footrest may be ideal for them. This footrest does have calf pads.

Finally, there are the armrests of the wheel chair to take into consideration. There are two types: Desk Length Arms, which are ideal for getting close to desks and tables. There's also Full Length Arms, which are good for the user to push themselves up from the wheelchair, or if extra arm support is required. Please note Full Length Arms take roughly 2 inches off the seat width.

One last consideration of armrests is that for people taller and shorter than the average person, you ideally want to look into adjustable arms to compensate for height requirements.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Linerider wheelchair